Aaron and I got the new theme up over the weekend. We came up with the look and many thanks to Tia for customizing…
Category: The Daily List
It’s amazing how fast things change in the domain space. You may have read that Accidental Domainer and Domain Shane are merging. More details to…
I’m going to have to admit it. Many of the articles on the domaining feed are down right unreadable. We all pump. We get paid…
Remember when I said yesterday was a good day. Looks like we are even. I have my nephew staying with me (and working at the…
Yesterday was a good day. I changed my domain sales strategy once again. I started accepting offers under $1000 for names I paid less than…
They say you can’t control the weather but I disagree. You certainly can move to a place that has weather to your liking. If you…
You probably noticed I didn’t post any names this weekend but I just couldn’t find the time during my race to hit the lists. Half…
I apologize but there is no Book of 10 this week. I just didn’t have enough names to put a list together because I was…
Seventy degrees here…..finally, and that means customers. A man that sells plants is a very popular man this time of year and although it’s…
If any of you have kids and you’ve had your wife away for the week you know what I’m going through. I don’t take my…
If you haven’t been over to the new layout at DnForum you should check it out. I like the look and smooth navigation of the…
I watched Silicon Valley and thought it was one of the funnier shows in a while. Absolutely captured the redundancy of people in the startup…
First nice weekend and last long run in training made this old man a tired boy. Woke up at 4 to run, worked all day,…
A few weeks into the new gTLDs and I still don’t own any. Been looking a little each day and still haven’t found any I…
Before I get to the names I wanted to publicly thank Escrow.com, MediaOptions, 4.cn, Namejet, Domaining.com and everyone who advertises their names here. I am loyal…