Domain Spotlight:


I included an image below the daily chart that shows the total dollars reported as spent via buy it now on the categories in this chart grouped by month.  I don’t have data for the first nine days of December (or any other data before 12/10) so I took the average of the 21 days that I do have, got the daily average, multiplied that by 9 and added it to the total spent for the rest of the month.  So December isn’t exact, but it should be pretty close I think.  It is interesting that more money was spent on names in these categories in February of this year than in December of 2015.  March was pretty close to December at about $500K less.  Projecting April out to the end of the month, it should end around $4M or under half of the number spent in February.

This is all reported buy it now sales.  When these names were soaring, it is possible that more people were using auctions rather than buy it now pricing to sell names.  I don’t have the auction data to know the answer to that.  I’m just putting together a chart with the data that I have.

Numeric .com Δ30MA
.net Δ30MA
.org Δ30MA
.cc Δ30MA
3N $694,804
↓-1% $7,548
↑ 41% $1,836
↓-12% $6,457
↑ 18%
4N $15,249
↑ 8% $539
↓-7% $432
↑ 438% $617
↑ 37%
5N $1,139
↑ 38% $28
↓-9% $3
↓-48% $22
6N $17
↓-10% $10
↓-24% $2
↓-29% $1
7N $4
8N $6
No 4 or 0
.com Δ30MA
.net Δ30MA
.org Δ30MA
.cc Δ30MA
3N $694,804
↓-1% $25,939
↑ 9% $2,916
↓-12% $13,093
4N $35,341
↓-1% $1,389
↓-9% $244
↑ 22% $1,372
5N $2,239
↓-38% $139
↓-15% $18
↓-34% $139
6N $128
↓-26% $8
↓-34% $3
↓-26% $12
Letters &
.com Δ30MA
.net Δ30MA
.org Δ30MA
.cc Δ30MA
3I $47,847
↓-12% $3,242
↓-0% $1,017
↓-7% $1,906
3L $20,072
↓-6% $1,201
↑ 1% $720
↓-1% $300
3C $415
↓-61% $99
↑ 42% $4
↓-56% $15
4I $1,539
↓-12% $159
↓-21% $18
↓-20% $80
4L $293
↓-18% $12
↓-15% $4
↓-64% $20
↑ 102%
5I $6

N = Numeric
I = Initial (a letter not including a,e,i,o,u,v)
C = Character (any number or letter)
Δ30MA = Change vs. 30 day moving average
The number in parentheses below the price is the volume sold
When there are zero sales for the day, the number shown is the
lowest buy it now price


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Domain Spotlight: