Domain Spotlight:

DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Monday 8/25

Usually starting this time of year and increasing each month until next March I start writing a little more.  With the nursery being so busy during spring I just don’t have a lot of time.  This year I didn’t get rolling in August like I usually do.  Thankfully Aaron has some fantastic regular posts about the history and present sales of domains to make the site worth coming back to.   I have to admit that my running and trading has taken up more and more of my time.  I am now running 80 miles or more a week which takes up quite a bit of time and energy.  I worked 6 days last week and had to make a trip to Chicago and some how made time for 12 miles a day.  This weekend I ran 18 miles on Saturday and 17 miles on Sunday trying to get my body ready for an October race.  I get up at 3:45 each day so my night times are usually on the tired side.  On top of that, the stock market has been fantastic.  While others are buying 3D domain names I’ve been buying 3D stocks.  While people are typing on twitter, I am trading twitter options.  In short, I am doing less talking about what I’m doing and just doing. I guess I’m following the Sahar Sahid method of investing.  I absolutely love domain investing and still spend 2 hours every single day studying lists and past sales, it’s just that the other blogs write so much that there isn’t much to left to say.  Nobody wants me to post for the 3rd, 4th, or 5th, time about an event.  I don’t publish press releases, and I’m only going to write about what I understand or believe in so it’s a bit more limiting.  In other words, you can thank me for not littering the feed.   Have a good day and here are today’s list.

Here are today’s names.  Only one bidder at $10.  There’s a reserve so it’s not going for this but surprisingly low action   No bidders.  Pick it up for $12 and flip it on Flippa for $100   Pronouceable  These always have good value.  Short and memorable and no bidders.  Democrat name? Or just a guy that can’t turn his head right Getting some action.  I see Fugly  No bidders.  Not much value but I like it.  Fun name   Sacramento River Watershed Program looks like they are good with their domain so you’ll have to find another buyer.  Twice the price as the one above but it’s the more resalable name.  Is that a word?  I own BGUM and get offers a few times a year.  Under $50 at press time  The generic for Groupons.  Surprised this one is so high.  But as I always say, I have a lot to learn in  Short list  I think FreeMarijuana would do better.  Still getting some bids   No reserve auction. I had no idea how many things were in Everett. I only knew of the Boeing production facility.  Other similar names have sold for thousands, this one is at $15  Solid bitcoin name.  The owner called it “the best” bitcoin name which is a lie, but is a nice name   Hot name, not tld.  Should end well  17 years old.  Take advantage of the dot net softness

NEW Thursday!!!! Working Godaddy Domain Code of the day. 25% off new items added to cart. Great for new gTLDs bb2017a Not A server but The.  20 years old and should do very very well but may not, only 35 bidders at press time  Great brand.  Lots of uses.  18 years old  Short and radio related.  All LLN.coms are good investments IMO. 17 years old Double checked auction.  Already almost $1500  Old football term.  No bidders   It doesn’t exist yet but it may eventually.  Until then sell other airline’s tickets  A Chinese city.  Enough said  Perfect short name for a new startup.  Number of bids says others agree  My favorite of all the .uk  The dot net brings it down in price but not down in value to a helicopter tour company IMO  Ends in A so I will buy it.  If namejet gets it

Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details. *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct.

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Monday 8/25”

  1. Won one of these domains this morning. Hope GoDaddy gives you credit.

    Do you ever watch your posts from RSS? The ones like this are kind of a jumbled mess. 🙂

    Thanks for this service!

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