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DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Saturday 9/13

I’ve stated over the last few years that I’ve never had a computer before that isn’t Apple.  Since 1976 that’s all I’ve ever had.  Even in the 80s.  I have 25 or so in the business but it’s getting time to upgrade my personal computer and I’ve purchased a Mac Pro.  It’s the one that looks like a Coke can and probably cost twice as much as a regular PC that can do the same thing.  But I don’t care because one, I’ve made so much money with Apple stock it would be silly to buy something else.  Two, I’m a dance with the girl that came with you to the dance kind of guy and I got here with Apples so I might as well ride it into the sunset.   So I ordered a Mac Pro and a iPhone 6 today with a big screen.  I finally will have a computer than can handle my 28,000 emails (from 2007 to now) and a desktop full of junk 🙂   Here are today’s names.  17 years old.  Lots of love for this one  Not real exciting but at $12 (No bidders) it’s a good buy IMO  Quit it Adam Dicker.  You’re screwing up my list picking by letting your names come so close to expiration Top on the board My favorite name on the board today.  Bitcoin conference is inevitable if there isn’t one already  Under $50 is a good buy   I said this before.  These CCC.coms always sell, and they almost always go for more than you think. Often $250 and up Was hoping this would have 20 bidders or so.  Triple that.  Can’t get any deals on these NLL.coms any more  The dot com is a porn site so it gets a lot of traffic  (oops, saw it ended a few hours ago.  Who ends an auction at that time?)  It’s at $5K and no LLL.coms go for $5K any more.  But it hasn’t met reserve so this one won’t either  Great dating site name.  Saw 4 bids are pending when I checked which tells me the owner hasn’t checked in in a while.

Working Godaddy Domain Code of the day. $10 off PURCHASES OF $50 OR MORE ACOSKS65   18 years old.  C for Corporation  177 bidders can’t be wrong  It’s one thing to be nasty but if you’re really nasty you’re naZty  Upgrade name for a few companies.  Brand Bucket type name. Under 10 bidders. Ever seen a $69 name at Brand Bucket?  Thus the potential  I own one.  If you sell them I would think this would be helpful.  No bidders   The best CVCV ever in history.  Of course it’s mine so I may be biased.  Only reason I’m selling it is I want to make a lot of money flipping it  Not as many bids as I thought.  Evidently 8 good. Double L, not as much    Already at $3K


Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details. *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct

Domain Spotlight:

One Reply to “DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Saturday 9/13”

  1. Hi, how did you list for sale at

    I don’t see the feature for that as I have been trying to do so for long.


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