When we talk about domain value and pricing we often lose sight of some of the fundamentals of why a person, business or entity would want to buy a particular name. We assign values to names that are “one” word and call them good domains when in reality the chances of them being sold to a buyer that will use them is slim to none.
Obviously I’m speaking in broad generalities, but let’s review what we think makes a name valuable to a potential buyer. The name needs one or more of the following, more being ideal: short, easy to remember, pronounceable, unique, the term has mindshare, limited variables and modifiers, plus a few other things.
We need to consider several other factors when assigning “value” like, the type of industry, market saturation, other naming options. Within a particular industry we need to quickly evaluate the potential cash an entity within that industry might spend on a name.
For example say we had some killer coffee/Java names, we figure there are independent coffee shops in every town. The problem is that they don’t care and aren’t going to spend lot’s of money for a great name, because in reality it won’t help them and they’ll probably go out of business regardless of how good their name is.
Contrast this with lawyer and attorney names. Again, they can be found in every town but their marketing budgets are significantly higher and one good lead can make a domain price insignificant.
So our goal as investors is to find the best names that have the highest chance of being used by an entity as a brand, sub brand, marketing campaign or whatever. To do this we need to envision a use or see the made up word as a brand that meets a few of our criteria listed above.
I mention this because while it seems obvious, there are investors that see the One word Com Net Org as the “Golden ticket” but ignore the actual usability of the name. I’m talking about obscure names, names with crazy suffixes or prefixes, names that require a background in Latin or Greek to know that the word is even English and in the case of Net and Org names that don’t really identify to an industry, aren’t the best keywords, but we feel like they should be registered and have value.
These names are decent and do have value, but they’ll never be used so they’re relegated to souvenir type names. They’re like a signed baseball that we put on the mantel and leave there. Sure it was only signed by a minor league ball player, but who cares, it’s still cool. Friends come over they say “hey, I see you have a signed baseball on the mantel, never heard of the guy, but that sure it cool!” we say “Yeah got that back in 87, traded it for a case of Topps trading cards, glad I did too because those cards are worthless now”
So the signed baseball has some value because we perceive it to have said value and others validate that value because they comment and talk about it, but no one ever says, “Hey grab that signed baseball and let’s play catch with it, or take batting practice”. It’s just not the kind of thing that gets used, but we recognize that it has some value.
Now if we have a tennis ball, rubber bouncy ball, basketball lying around, they’ll get used all the time. They’re not as flashy as the signed baseball, but there are people or animals that really want to play with them. They’re practical and fun, they didn’t cost that much so we’re not afraid of breaking or losing them. The dogs will chew the crap out of any of these chase them and play with them, the bottom line is that they get used, because there are lots of potential users that would love to use them. Sometimes it takes something as simple as opening the box and letting the tennis ball lay in a place that it will be seen.
We all have the ability to take a roll of duct tape and fashion it into the shape of a ball that someone will think is awesome, maybe just the kids or only the dog will love it, but we know it has value to them because they will use it.
Like with the duct tape ball, we all have the potential to find deleted or new 5,6,7 letter pronounceable, 2 word names or phrase names, that will have value and sell faster than the signed baseball that sits on the mantel.
This is the magic behind brandbucket.com or BIN impulse buys on any of the other market places. A buyer sees a name they like, and they say to themselves, “that’s my new site or business, that name resonates with me” and they buy it.
Don’t get me wrong, the signed baseball is awesome, they’re nice to have and make great conversation pieces.
Just like the domain SignedBaseball.com which I own, lol, I know what it is and If I wanted to sell signed baseballs It would work, but I doubt anyone is ever going to buy the damn thing.
- Main List
- NameJet
- Flippa/Sedo
- LLLL.com’s
- LLL, CCC, 5L
- Other LLLL’s
- Short Brandables
- Numbers
- One Worders and Other extensions
- Vape, Vegan, VR
- Snap Names
- NamePros
Main List
The No Bid List
911Surgeon.com Good email for a trauma Doc
ActiveThreats.com A name of the times. You log in to see where the highest threats are located
AhhYes.com Ahh yes!
AirCoupler.com The thing that connects airhoses
ArenaTube.com Watch whats playing in the areana
AthleticZoom.com Get a better look at the action
AttackRobot.com Send robots to do your beat downs
AuntDees.com Sounds like a diner
AutosLog.com Track cars
BadGuess.com First thing I think of is Indian Jones, “He chose poorly”
BankPit.com A pitful of money
BarnParty.com Have a Shindig in the barn
BeMoreKind.com It’ll make you feel better
BestFinishes.com wood treatment, races
BestRestaurantDeal.com Coupon site for eating cheap food
BestWits.com The smartest person around
BeThinDiet.com Harder to do than the be fat diet
BlendPlant.com Make a hybrid plant, I’d like a strawberry apple mix.
BluCharge.com a couple of blu/e names
BoostPros.com The boost something
BoredKnowMore.com It’s a fun play on words, not Bored No More but you’re not bored because you know more
BuildMaze.com The guide to building a maze, Maybe the company that designs corn mazes. Fire Dept’s build prop mazes for training
BulkSilo.com Silo by there nature contain bulk amounts of whatever you put in them, this name just reminds you
BuySomeSleep.com Can’t sleep for free? Pay for it
CarLotion.com Like car wax but smoother
CarPutty.com Fix those holes with car putty
CertifiedEdibles.com No guessing if you should eat that, look for the certification
CheckAccounting.com Make sure your Checking account is up to date
CleaningSimply.com A natural non toxic cleaning solution
ClosetMedic.com Fixes your closet fast
CoastVibe.com Find out what’s happening at the shore
CraftArtisans.com The artists that make crafty things
CustomLid.com I think of hats that are custom made
DailyFighter.com Fight for everyday
DeedInsurance.com Like title insurance, proabably makes more sense to some people as deed insurance
DesignYards.com The landscaping guide
DigiExport.com Ship digital goods
DNWeek.com A whole week dedicated to domains
Dronesters.com The people that love drones
DumbSolutions.com Not your best option
EasyBuildIt.com Anyone can do it
EmotionsTest.com Find out why you keep crying
EngineerDaily.com The magazine for engineering
EssentialItem.com That thing that you can’t live without
ExerciseBum.com Workout the bum area, or a Bum that works out
ExportCourse.com Learn how to export
FelonyFix.com Get that felony off your record
FinestMakeup.com The best makeup on the market
FirstPreview.com The first place to get a peek
FlowReady.com Somekind of water thing, I don’t really know what it is
FocalFactor.com nice brand
FullStyler.com Not half of Joe, here you get the full thing
FunClicked.com Past tense of fun click
GeoDefence.com Protect against alien invasion
GeoPatrol.com know when the aliens invade
GlazeDonuts.com Technically it’s Glazed but it looks just as tasty to me
GoodRaft.com Maybe it’s GooDraft
GownRent.com Don’t buy it, rent it
Growlster.com A brand for Growlers, your very own giant beer mug
GrowScaping.com also know as gardening
HandWorkout.com Get sexy fingers
HelpYouStyle.com The site that makes you look cool
HipBrands.com a brand brand
HizzyFit.com a tantrum with Z’s
HumblePurpose.com a monk mayber
iFindHope.com When you’re out of hope call these guys
iLoveMyHabit.com The pro smoking site that sounds better than CigarrettesAreDelicious.com
InertiaEnergy.com There’s a couple of “laws” involved
InfiniteGold.com unlimited gold
InstantUse.com Ready to go right away
ItIsDoneNow.com Don’t have to do it anymore
KineticGreen.com Green Energy?
LawnHelp247.com Around the clock lawn mowing, your neighbors will hate it
LittleFaster.com just a little bit
LiveSafeLife.com Safety products
LocateServer.com Find out where the server is
LoveServant.com Like a slave but gets paid
MagicianForum.com Talk about magic
MailThemADick.com Uhhh, ok? Why? Like a real one, or a fake?
MakeExchange.com Sounds like a hostage negotiations name
MeetingMinute.com Roberts rules of order
MightSay.com All the things that might come out of their mouths
MinorityVotes.com highly sought after voting block
MomGourmet.com Mom makes the best food
MoviesJunky.com Loves movies so much no work gets done
MyCommissions.com The place to track your commission for any sales job
NerdyDecor.com Posters of Tech things all over
NewsOrigin.com The place that news is born
NightGrind.com A site for night shift
NoneFound.com Nope not here
NotCounterfeit.com the real deal
NutritionTalks.com A service that goes to schools and talks about the food pyramid, or whatever the hell shape they use these days
OneLinerQuotes.com A quick reference site to your favorite one liners
PaleoTeacher.com I know it’s a diet, but is sounds like a dinosaur
PartTimeBadass.com Only BadAss on nights and weekends
PathToRun.com The app the helps you find safe places to run
PatriotsCreed.com Give me Liberty or give me Death
PerfectAdd.com Just what you needed
PerfectButter.com Delicious butter
PharmDealers.com Like drug dealers but more acceptable
PicAppraise.com How much is that photo worth?
PicBro.com Short picture brand
PigskinFan.com American football enthusiast
PitchPod.com No idea but it’s easy to remember and say
PlantMistake.com If all your plants die, find out why here. Shane will be fielding emails
PsychologyHacks.com Understand people quickly
PublicDance.com Everyone’s invited
Pubtastic.com A fantastic pub
RealComplaint.com Not spam or fake, but real
RecipeJar.com A nice name for a recipe site
ReefCove.com A diving or vacation name
RightButWrong.com Technically they’re right, but practically they’re wrong
Riptastic.com Fantastic ripping?
RoadToRun.com Another one of these
SaleCreator.com makes sales out of thin air
SanePerson.com No crazy at all
SecondhandTractor.com Used tractors
SecretMeetups.com When you want to meet without anyone knowing
SelfPayments.com Pay yourself, you deserve it
ServiceMarketer.com Promote your service to the world
ShirtsCreator.com Shirt Creator is better, but shirts could work too
ShootMyselfInTheHead.com The frustrated persons name, messy and a bad idea to try
ShortMemo.com an app to send or write short memos
ShortSaleList.com Find all the properties selling at short sale
SignOfZodiac.com What animal type thing are you?
SimplePassage.com go the easy way
SimplyPleasing.com You’ll like it because it’s so simple
SkiSpas.com Snow and hot tubs all day long
SlidePresentation.com We don’t use the old slides anymore, but I think individual powerpoint presentations are called slides
SociallySober.com Goes out for a fun time, saves money by not drinking
SocialSteps.com climbing the social ladder
StopCellular.com The campaign slogan for people that hate mobile phones
SweetGrab.com I think of baseball and an awesome catch
TarotInsight.com What do those cards really mean?
TatTalk.com The site that looks and talks about cool tattoos
TechRepairHub.com A forum for techies
TelevisionUnit.com No one calls a TV this
TempleBethIsrael.com Seems like there’s a few of these around
TheIntersections.com Where the roads meet
TheWarriorsWay.com The warrior lifestyle
TinkerBot.com The bot that tinkers and fixes things
TrainChecks.com See if your train is on time
TutorMyKid.com So I don’t have to
VaporCandle.com Smells really good
Verminate.com Terminate Vermin
VintageDecoration.com The decorations that are in the attic, in a dusty box
WaveBye.com Good name for saying goodbye
WayTheWorldWorks.com It’s long but I like it
WeBuyElectronics.com Sell your used electronics to these guys
WhisperWeed.com Very quiet Cannabis
WineCourt.com The courtyard where the wine flows like beer
WineManor.com Sounds like the main building at the Winery
WorkerLookup.com A background check solution
WorkPipeline.com Pipeline jobs pay well I think
ZooRanger.com Rides a Zebra around the zoo enforcing the rules
Names With Bids
Save Money With Daddy Bulk Domain Registration
Your LLLL.coms of The Day
LLLL’s that End Users Might use someday
LLL’s, CCC’s, 5L’s
MORE Short Brand Dot Coms HERE
Some Numbers
One Worders and Other TLD’s
Vape, Weed and Vegan Names and VR
Snap Names
Brand.Bargains Save on brands with this name, no reserve.
Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We Charge $10 per name per day. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details.*All names chosen by us, Shane and Josh . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything we say is based on our own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or our opinion is correct. We hand choose the names but we are paid to make this list by both the auction houses, individuals that are auctioning names, and Godaddy affiliate links. Keep that in mind and only buy names that YOU think are good