Domain Spotlight:

Friday’s Big List of Attractive Domains Dropping and at Auction

Thanks all for the email responses to my post yesterday.  It wasn’t to be a “who’s right?” post and people completely got it.  I received all intelligent comments/emails in response which is a first in all my days of writing a blog.  I write this blog for a bunch of reasons but one of them is to give myself a voice.  To publicly ask questions that others may have.  I have found that almost everything I learn or wonder are valuable to somebody out there.  An expert I may not be but every year I do this, ask questions, and try things, I get a little closer to actually being one. On a lighter note,  Chris, the other writer on this blog called in my live TV show on PBS (shown all over the Midwest) and called in and asked “What do I do if I see an endangered animal eating on an endangered plant?”  I have to admit I started laughing and I had no idea it was him. I have never been pranked on a live garden show by a domainer.  I guess there is a first for everything.  Well played Chris, well played. 1995 Birthday and pretty nice  10 bidder and would be worth 3 times as much. The name doesn’t interest me but maybe you crafty people would like it.   Strong’s side company of making pine cone wreaths use these every day. Color Noun dot com and a pretty good one at that It’s what we insiders call Napa Valley.  I just made that up but then again I may have just started something. Very easy to remember this 1999 domain.  Also the amount of coke that bought for $12,500 recently This has to have more value that $69 to someone.  It’s what I call a “comfort domain” Coming soon aka the new Fusible. They’ll get up just like he does but post one minute earlier. No bids.  I imagine it’s because it’s not plural which would make a good directory. Everyone seems to be trying to build them. Help The “the” works here You may dismiss this but there will be a hell of a lot of searches for this in 2012 Good ebook selling site.   But I guess that was pretty obvious.

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Friday’s Big List of Attractive Domains Dropping and at Auction”

  1. Well played indeed. I was lmao just reading it, would have been epic to see your reaction Shane.

    Not sold on the domains today though.

    1. @Luke,

      Yeah, the domains today were not the best of the week. Some days are good some are bad. I have to admit I held 2 back today which is the amount of domains I usually hold back per week. I even bought tippytoes com and I put it on the list. Bought fatchicken on a drop. Neither great names but worth a lot more than I paid

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