Domain Spotlight:

Friday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around The Internet 6-8-12

Another day of solid domain at Namejet and Godaddy Thanks to everyone that promoted my names that I had for sale. Then again, the Namejet affiliate program is probably why they did but I’ll take what I can get. I guess that’s why the have them. Gives website owners a reason to promote. Here are the name I thought had some value.  With ultras, mudders, and all these extreme races being popular it is only natural that one will have to use extreme training. Love this one Ironic how in a day that we are moving away from wires that the term “wired” means technologically advanced. 14 years old and still inexpensive Good brand. Unless you are heavy or ugly and then you’ll take offense. That’s why the strip clubs have the signs that say “All Pretty Girls Except for One Ugly One” Not kidding, slogan is something like that. 12 year old domain Not just innovation. EXTREME! inovation Pretty sure I bought my first pair of Copa Mundials there.  As opposed to the work home  I love the name because I find myself typing in those exact keywords a few times a year. (I also type in “how to pretend like you’re listening)  Alphabet in Spanish and really surprised there aren’t more bidders on this one.  In 10 years more people in California will be using the alfabeto than the alphabet  Nice 5 letter domain.  You know how I like them   This one will end better than the play for the seller  Nice 4 letter dot com  Another brandable that is going to reach a good price



Domain Auctions: Find, Buy & Sell Domain Names

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Friday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around The Internet 6-8-12”

  1. Looks like DropDay is having issues again. He was going well there for about a week or two. Did you ever hear from anyone interested in creating an alternative?

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