Domain Spotlight:

Daily SitePicks: Thursday’s Hot List of Websites Up For Auction Around the Net Site is impressive. Perhaps one of the better looking sites I’ve come across. This truly is a business that is being sold. But its a new business and whoever buys it should be prepared to devote a lot of time to it despite it being a direct ship store. You don’t have to actually store or deliver any product but you will have to continue to update the products. Not sure if I believe they did $18K on only 3,000 uniques but if they did, then there is huge potential here. My guess is that it won’t get sold though.  They said they have $80K in the site (built in India so $500K if it were built in the US) and they’ll want to get their money back.    Flipping at its finest.  Buyer bought the site privately and is now flipping it.  Impressive stats and income. 50,000 uniques a month average and verified Adsense stats of $659 a month.  The ad at the very top of the page may the key to the earnings as I could barely tell it was an ad and it looks like the navigation bar.  Owner claims site was not effected by any of the Google updates and really hasn’t been updated in two years yet traffic has remained steady.    I’m not sure this is a real valuable website but I really like the design and the content.  Design and home furnishings are super hot and I think this one could be made into a very profitable website.  Then again, I guess you can make anything into a very profitable website.  Under $800 is worth it for the back articles and wordpress theme.   I was pretty sure this was going to be just a domain but it actually comes with a screen capture website.  I think this is a good price for the domain alone but with the website, it’s a great price

Domain Spotlight:

3 Replies to “Daily SitePicks: Thursday’s Hot List of Websites Up For Auction Around the Net”

  1. Since when does Flippa require logging in? Site would go a long way having email to correspond with someone.
    Nice list

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