Domain Spotlight:

Friday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around Town 4-20-12

Starting next week I’ll be including a new night edition of biggest movers on Namejet that show the biggest change in bids in the last 24 hours. A “Hot List” if you will. Namejet and some others already have it but they aren’t nearly as fun as mine will be. I’m thinking a few funny links, some good domains, and some photos of scantily clad women. Anyone game? And here are a few domains today. Not a real strong list. Health domains seem to only get more expensive. As I’ve pointed out many times before, all the fat people in this country may have something to do with it. A achievement I locked while in college Another trend. Sayings and common phrases are hot. You know what else is hot? Kate Upton. But that’s for another day. I realize this has WordPress in the domain and generally a no no but I’m going to give a pass on this one. UFC may not like you having it but it can stand for a lot more things than two cauliflowered guys hitting each other in the face (although I do like watching two cauliflowered guys hitting each other in the face)

Here’s a pretty good product domain. appraisal is terrible but the amount of ads says otherwise Never caroled but I did make out with a girl named Carol in High School. Still don’t like the name but nobody is named that anymore so it really doesn’t matter. Solid letters and the C is great for “Corporation” Good play on words for camera related company or the new tourism domain for Springfield, IL. If you are looking for some typo traffic

Domain Spotlight:

3 Replies to “Friday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around Town 4-20-12”

  1. $2905 70 bids
    You might be right about healthy names, but this one has a 99 reg to go with it as well
    CPC seems to be high on these types
    This one has 4400/390/$5.96
    I picked up some Healthiest ones last year 1900/1600/$4.09 1300/1000/$3.09 1000/880/$5.68
    So, people do seem to search for Healthy or Healthiest when looking & I imagine it will only continue

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