Domain Spotlight:

Friday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks

Get ready ladies, DomainShane is expanding.  Before we get to the names today I’d like to announce we are adding three more writers.  Hand selected for humor and knowledge and one because he is the only Irish Indian I know .  Same great style with more information daily.  Thankfully everyone here works for peanuts because it keeps us hungry AND because I pay in peanuts.  Look for new fresh talent (and an Indian with a quilt ) in the next few weeks. Now onto the names. Been on this one for a while.  Will go just short of a zillion. The final price will in no way be indicative of the true value of the name. Triple repeats have fallen like a rock in value, trust me I have a bunch.  80 bidders willing to see if this remains true. If that’s your thing.  Oh, I guess this could be a support group site and not just a pickup site.  I really need to grow up. Another 5L drawing decent interest. Surprisingly low number of bidders so far. Too 2000 but I really do like nudes. I didn’t realize it until recently that motion sickness is caused because your body thinks it’s drunk because the eyes can’t focus so it tries to vomit out the poison.  Guess that makes me qualified to buy this. Good for being a source of guns…..I guess that was obvious. I’m going to squat on this just in case Great directory name

Domain Spotlight:

5 Replies to “Friday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks”

  1. Were you able to do the Hood to Coast? I’ve heard great things about it from friends, but have never had a chance to do it myself.

    1. Aaron,

      Yeah I ran it again. Just now feeling better. Mountain tore me up. Ran too fast. First leg 6:28 and hurt all week. You should certainly run it

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