Domain Spotlight:

Friday’s Daily Domain Drops and Auction

Sorry about the bad link earlier.  Not sure what happened but that’s the beauty of the net, anything can go wrong at any time.  Here are today’s name Great name and a PR5.  I think this one will do well Plenty of uses for this one.  Name or business and easy to spell.  A nice 5L I know a trademark problem here but some people don’t care.  Lots of searches and nice CPC. Valuate value at $7500 and no bidders “You don’t know how lucky you are” A pr6.  Not into pr domains?  then move onto the next A PR 4, DMOZ listed name.  I see a certain use for this name but then again I have dirty mind.  I guess it could also be used as a porn site. What? I was thinking of a no spit chewing tobacco as my first thought For this price a great football name

Domain Spotlight: