Domain Spotlight:

Godaddy Releases Newest $4.99 Coupon Code

It’s a coupon code that allows you to register or transfer a .COM .NET, .ORG, .CA, .CO.UK, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, and .IN domains for just $4.99!

This offer may not be used for renewals, bulk registrations or premium domain registrations.

One order per user.

Here is the code.




The Godaddy $4.99 Domain Coupon Code: 499DOMAIN

Domain Spotlight:

3 Replies to “Godaddy Releases Newest $4.99 Coupon Code”

  1. Try one of these instead:

    EMMA412 = .com domains for $7.49/year each (new and renewal)
    EMMA9 = .com domains for $7.49/year each (new and renewal)
    EMMA35 = .com domains for $7.49/year each (new and renewal)
    EMMA30 = .com domains for $7.49/year each (new and renewal)
    EMMA3 = .com domains for $7.49/year each (new and renewal)

    EMMA125 = 25% off your order of $100/£65 or more
    EMMA25 = 25% off your order of $100/£65 or more

    EMMA411 = 20% off your order of $50/£35 or more
    EMMA8 = 20% off your order of $50/£35 or more

    EMMA410 = 10% off your order
    EMMA7 = 10% off your order

    EMMA20H1 = 20% off your hosting order of 1, 2 or 3 years)
    EMMA20H = 20% off your hosting order of 1, 2 or 3 years)

    EMMASSL = $12.99 SSL certificates

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