Domain Spotlight:

Google Likes You When You Keep it Fresh

google-site-updateAs billions and billions of pages are entered into the internet daily, Google is faced with the task of figuring out which ones you care about.  One sure thing they are looking for is fresh content.  In their eyes,  a site that is updated is more likely to have strong content. Site updates also add more content,  so the other positive is the amount of data than can be indexed.  As domainers, many of us have started developing mini or small sites to help offset the big drop in parking.  Time constraints have led most of us to neglect updating or adding information to many of these sites, instead focusing on the outputs of new ones.  I think a positive move would be to slow down the new additions and rather focus on SEO and more frequent updating of the sites we already have.  If you get your site to the top of Google like,  then you can layoff the tweaking and just keep updating the site to keep it relevant or perhaps pick up a front page for another keyword.

In order to expand the content of my sites and to keep them fresh, I have prepared a schedule of updates for my sites. I have 40 sites presently up and running so I won’t be able to do it all myself.  I have taken on a couple college students part time to add relevant content to each site.  Both the young men and I are certainly not SEO experts but we are using certainly cross linking within the articles, using well labeled pics, and plenty of keywords in each well written article.  I want them to sound “real” and not written for Google.  I want all my sites to be helpful, even if they are only to sell ads.  This is why almost every site is in my niche, because it is the only thing I know more about than most people in the world.  I will be keeping stats on the pre update rankings and monthly changes based on added content.  I’ll let you know the results.  There will be many reasons behind the page increases but I am certain that constant updates will be one of them.

Domain Spotlight:

3 Replies to “Google Likes You When You Keep it Fresh”

  1. Thanks for the mention Shane! Great article and a very important point – it’s not just content that is king but FRESH content!

    Great to hear what you are doing – definitely the right way to monetize your domains!

  2. I totally agree with the slow it down strategy. I’ve actually slowed down my domaining and then switched over existing sites to blogs because it is so much easier to update frequently and in even some cases automate. This strategy has led to a better roi so far.

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