Domain Spotlight:

It’s the Last 6 Miles That Really Counts

Yesterday DomainGang had a post about my marathon and the thoughts that went through my head.  I thought I’d chime in and tell you a few of my real thoughts

1. If you are going to do big things you are most likely going to have to give up sleep.  Sleep is one of the most important things that you can get but the reality is there is only so many hours in the day.  You are going to have to get the bare minimum sleep needed to push.  The only time I can find to run is at 5 in the morning.  It knocks my sleep to 7 hours but I find that I can survive and thrive on 7.   I find a lot of successful people choose the same approach.

2.  If you want to actively search for a reason not to do something you will find a million reasons at your fingertips.  If it was easy everyone would be doing it.  Anyone can run but if you want to run fast it is going to hurt.  To get better at something you have to take it to the level of fail.  Sometimes you will,  but you start over and try to do a little better the next time.  People hate pain, hate failure and often try to avoid it.  It’s easy to find reasons.

3.  In marathon running there comes a point where your mind is the only thing that keeps you going.  Your body is done.  Your protection mechanisms have taken over and it is trying to make you stop.   It’s why exercising your mind is just as important as exercising your body.  If you can provide your mind with a “been there, done that” familiarity you will be able to do some things that ordinarily aren’t possible.  In running I run enough miles that my body knows that everything will be OK.  That despite me being exhausted it won’t shut me down and will let me go on.  Yes, shutting off the protection is also how people really hurt themselves but it’s also how great things are accomplished

4.  Most people settle.  Granted it could just be personality, but too many people settle for mediocrity.  I think it’s primarily because mediocrity takes less effort to reach

5. Having a support team is the key to success.  Very few people accomplish great things by themselves. There are always people that guide and support you along the way.  My wife and daughter also run and we have great discussions on training and help each other when we have races or long training days.  I have a group of 10 guys that I train with that are my best friends and push me on a daily basis to be a better runner.  I’ve found the same goes for my business and even domains.  I need the help of others to do great things

6.  If you are really good at something you most likely will be very bad at something else. Simply because there is only so much time in the day.  Mark Cuban said he would never invest in a business owned by an Ironman triathlete.  Because Ironman requires so much training that he knows that person wouldn’t put in the hours necessary to run a business the way he wanted.  I agree.  It’s also the reason I didn’t run or do Ironman in the early days of building my business.

7.  When you are at your right weight you can think better, work longer, and will be a better business person.  “I make millions, you make a lot less than me and I’m overweight”  I am confident you would have made more if you would have more energy and people found you attractive.

8.  It’s the last 6 miles that really count.  In marathon running it doesn’t matter how you feel or how you run until you hit mile 20.  It’s then where the real men take over.  Where the people that have put in the extra training and sacrifice pull away.   I like to try and finish strong in everything I do.

9.  Smile.  I was in total agony at the end of the race today and the route was lined with people cheering me on.  Lying and saying I looked great and was “almost there” .  I wanted to tell them to leave me alone or kiss my ass but I simply smiled as I passed.  Almost everyone responded with “And he’s still smiling” or something to that effect.  It was all I could muster that would acknowledge their presence and say thank you.  Everyone appreciates a smile.

10.  Women runners are hot.   Give me a ponytail and a long lean body and I’m helpless.  I’m happily married (to a beautiful runner) but even my wife gives out a “damn” to many of the fast ladies in the half and full marathon.

PS:  Ran a 3:15:57 today which was not one of my better times but it was what I had today and it’s a very respectable time.  Learned enough to know what I need to do to get a faster time when I run NY in fall.

Domain Spotlight:

9 Replies to “It’s the Last 6 Miles That Really Counts”

  1. Awesome! This is *by far* your best post ever 😀

    You have my respect for those 17 marathons and I hope one day you run and finish at the ultimate trophy: the Athens marathon. It’s a tough terrain that challenges even the best runners in the world.

    That being said, my workout today involved mulching the yard, and I’m happy with that 😀

  2. Very respectable time for your marathon. I would probably be in bed or a hot tub, but you’re back on your computer writing an awesome article and likely picking your drop list for tomorrow!

    Just a few weeks until Vegas… 🙂

  3. Mediocrity is safe and reassuring.
    Exceptionalism is incredibly uncomfortable and takes risk. If you look at exceptional people, two qualities they must posses (in addition to several others) is an ability to define themselves on their own terms and an appetite for risk.

    Colleges and Universities are full of great minds but among all those professors and the braintrust at large, almost never will you find a great man. It’s no coincidence.

  4. Shane, did something significant happen a month or so ago? Never mind answering, but a lot of your recent posts have been very spirited and thoughtful.

  5. #5 is the best of this post! ” I need the help of others to do great things” Could not have stated it better….

    Your time is better than respectable… it is awesome. Good Job!!!

  6. Congrats! I am getting ready for Ironman 70.3 Boulder (11th 1/2 Ironman) and Ironman Arizona (6th Full Ironman). I haven’t necessarily found running a business and competiting in events at this distance to be so challenging; however, I have found having kids (I have 3 now 5, 5 and 4), running a business, and distance training to be tremendously challenging. I have not been close to my PRs since becoming a father. Being a father has taken far more work and been far more of a challenging then anything either running a business or training. Definitely worth it though and I could not be happier to own my own business, train every day and be a father. All three to hand in hand and provide balance to my life.

  7. Hello Shane,

    Its after the race is over and the dust clears that the truly exceptional are recognized. Its almost always not the winner its the one who tried.


    Gratefully Jeff Schneider (Contact group) (Metal tiger)

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