Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Big List of Domains At Auction or Dropping From Around the Internet 12/19/11

A lot of decent names today.  I’m sure you’ve noticed by now I hardly ever put a name on my list newer than 2003.  I think age means a lot, although there are certainly crappy names that the owner renews despite.  I do have some alternate tlds in my lists that may be newer but they usually have tons of searches.  Now you know my strategy, here are today’s names. Public auction that ends today.  Bring your $10,000 plus checkbook I’m not as excited about this one as everyone else but I’m not a dot net guy. Not sure how you monetize this.  Selling leftover pieces of carpet? At $3500 somebody figures they can Getting over 100 visits a day. PR4 DMOZ listed and 1998 Birthday.   Those numbers alone value it at least $500. Looks like some CPAs forgot to renew their name 1998 Birthday.  A nice fantasy/SciFy domain for a cheap price. Better weather brand than some that are already out there  1998 Domain with no bidders Pretty good paying keywords here No bidders.  Most of people that like old Hollywood are dead though. Sounds like a fun build out.   I can beta test it for you but only because I have experience in website development. I’m still having trouble getting over my 1989 Ken Griffey Jr. Upper Deck investment devaluation.  I thought they would go nowhere but up. Not sure it’s a $100 domain but I do like the sound of it. I’m terrible.  I see this and all I think of is smoke and nobody under 25 with a job

Domain Spotlight:

One Reply to “Monday’s Big List of Domains At Auction or Dropping From Around the Internet 12/19/11”

  1. “ I’m terrible. I see this and all I think of is smoke and nobody under 25 with a job”

    I immediately think of assholes when I hear this name… 🙂

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