Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Daily Dropping Domains

If you have any question which 5Ls are worth money than look no further than the auction for  It just went into auction mode with 100 bidders and it’s already over $1K.  I don’t see any reason other than it’s a nice name and 10 years old.  Now on to today’s names.  There are a TON of great names dropping today.  One of the best days in months Another 5L but what makes it a nice name is the limo part. I can already see the 24 kids going to prom booking their limo. When I think of these I think of England or a tour of a city.  Of course I also think of Vince Vaughn.  He was a tour guide on one of these until he made it big and was a guide on a boat. Here’s that e thing again.  E means awesome At least 5K on this one. Over 100 bidders 14,000 searches and a $1800 valuation Get your names now before it become legal everywhere

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