Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Daily Godaddy and NameJet Available Domains

There has been some value in the “drop” market but Godaddy has been a little dry lately.  I’ve reversed course for the time being to start updating some of my older sites rather than buying domains that are product related.  This doesn’t mean I’m not buying names. I add garden and plant names every day and other names that I view as strong,  but leaving some on the table I would have bough a few weeks ago.  I am going to tweak my existing sites  for the next month or so because I’ve raised enough cash to hold me off for a few months.  I’m not rich but certainly flush 🙂  (it would be better if the guy that bough on sedo would actually pay) Here are some names I like. So many jokes here I would need the whole day to finish I don’t really like this type of name because it’s not generic enough.  I don’t own the Palm Hotel and don’t plan to……. but I thought it might interest you This would be a name I would normally buy.  Great name to sell products.  Hell I may still bid on it A name that sounds like it would do something important.  A internet control panel $17K valuation.  Big name I thought this name would appeal to this crowd Colors a worth money, plain and simple

Domain Spotlight:

4 Replies to “Monday’s Daily Godaddy and NameJet Available Domains”

  1. At the beginning of the year, you mentioned the possibility of hiring someone to build out a bunch of your domains, or at least outsourcing a content writer. Did you pull the trigger on either of those?

    1. I actually have hired summer help. I live on a university campus and have lots of students to choose from. I presently only have one that does it full time. $9 an hour but is smart and actually loves plants so he does a great job. As far as build out. Threw a couple at Epik (story to follow) but otherwise haven’t done anything yet.

  2. At $9 an hour, I assume they are using some out of the box program to develop sites?


    1. I should probably add. I either set up the initial site on wordpress or have a custom site developed by a programmer/designer I work with. The students just make “cards” or articles. They are merely data entry, writers, and sometime photographers.

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