Domain Spotlight:

My Picks for the “Main Event” TRAFFIC Auction

I’m not a .ca guy so I can’t make an educated opinion on any of the names up for auction today.   As for the Main Event, I absolutely love some of the names.  People are complaining of the lack of “premium” names but the purpose of the auction is to sell names, not show off.  I think they have a much better chance to move inventory with this list as compared to Vegas.  We’ll see.   Here are my favorites, some of which I will be bidding on Other than ABC, one of the finer LLLs there is.   I won’t have enough cash for this one. So many uses.  Temperature, temporary work.  A bargain at $50K but reserve may be higher Can make the reserve back in one year.  I have a feeling the bidding won’t stop there though Has been up for sale a few time if I remember correctly.  THE football domain Strong game domains have been fetching top dollar. Depends on the reserve but it’s a good buy under $3K Only downside is people that quilt don’t know how to use the internet yet If you go skiing you’ll notice that there are more of these than skiers now

Domain Spotlight:

One Reply to “My Picks for the “Main Event” TRAFFIC Auction”

  1. IMHO the snowboarding thing is a trend…. a very long trend. Ultimately, you just can’t ride a mountain on a snowboard like you can on skiis. Bumps just don’t run the same and skiing the trees just isn’t as fun. Long groomers… boards may have an advantage but who wants to be on a groomer. Give the kids some time and we will all be back on skiis.

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