Domain Spotlight:

Below is another look at a few promotional videos for new gTLDs, from the folks behind .Link, .Global, .Sexy, .Coffee and .Tech.

First up, a brief profile of the company at DriftAway.Coffee, and a discussion from the founders on what the business name and domain name means to them. This profile is similar to the Wyoming.Fish video in our first post on these videos.


From Uniregistry, below is a lighthearted intro to how new G’s can set a person or company apart, including a .Sexy and .Link domain.


Next, a video on .Global domination, with inspiration from Austin Powers.


Lastly, a .Tech video which implies .com is both old school and old news.


Domain Spotlight:

4 Replies to “New gTLD Promotional Videos, v2”

  1. As a digital marketer, I feel the .coffee video was the real winner among these.

    It really makes you consider how your domain name could be more descriptive of your business.

    The others? Meh

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