Domain Spotlight: Reaches Final Price of $20,250 but Looks to be Renewed

As many of you domain auction lovers already knew, a domain owned by No More Rack, went to auction at Godaddy after they failed to renew the domain before Godaddy had their Storage Wars auction.   The final price today settled at $20,250 which all culminated with what looks like a renewal.

It appears that the domain’s renewal date is now November 24, 2014.  I usually don’t follow the procedure, but I don’t think Godaddy renews the name on it’s own and that’s what led me to the conclusion that nomorerack wantsitback.

Regardless of the outcome it was insane for someone to think they were going to get the name without a fight from the original owner.  With all the traffic it was receiving it was pretty obvious the domain catches a lot of leaked traffic and would be a huge loss to the company if it didn’t come home.  I figured it would get renewed but if it didn’t, the new owner was taking a big gamble and would most likely lose the $20K plus legal fees down the road.  Yet someone still tried.


Domain Spotlight:

8 Replies to “ Reaches Final Price of $20,250 but Looks to be Renewed”

  1. Tony, How can you be so sure?
    The domain is over a month past expiration and they haven’t renewed it. Why would they renew it this week?

  2. Godaddy always add a year on on every domain in auction so you can no notice of the expiration date, if you go to the domain without typing the www in you will see it has still expired….

  3. Stu is right. It’s godaddy’s MO to add a year on the expdate. If the registrant renews, you don’t see the exp notice on top of the page when you navigate to it.

    Jim, high profile auctions like this one will inevitably lead to the registrant getting contacted one way or another.

  4. It’s not GoDaddy which adds a year, it’s the registry (in this case Verisign). When a domain expires the registry automatically renews the domain and charges the registrar. However the registrar has then depending on the extension 30 to 45 days to cancel the domain and gets the renewal fee refunded.
    So you will more or less never see a domain with the expiry date in the past (except there is a registry lock due to a dispute).

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