Domain Spotlight:

November Godaddy Promo Code: $1.99 for a New Dot Com Registration

Godaddy has been more than generous over the last year with their promo codes and November and December seem to be months that they step it up. Constantly giving out $7.95 Renewal codes and $1.99 new registrations.  Here is one I just verified that works.  Use it wisely 🙂



Go to

Or if that doesn’t work use this

Domain Spotlight:

6 Replies to “November Godaddy Promo Code: $1.99 for a New Dot Com Registration”

  1. 1. Firstival, Thank you very much for this code.
    It works unless you didn’t use any others promos during last 24 hours:) I did.

    2. Could you share your domain you have registred with this code? If you can…

    3. I took FASHIONABLENEWS in dot COM with this code. Think it has value against this small investment.


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