Domain Spotlight:

domain mastersI caught up on a few podcasts on my drive to the mountains this weekend, and the recent Domain Masters discussion with Michael Berkens and Monte Cahn of Right of the Dot is worth a listen.

While the bulk of the conversation with hosts Jonathan Tenenbaum and Scott Pruitt of NameJet was understandably focused around the upcoming NamesCon domain auction, there was also some interesting commentary about Chinese buyers flipping domains vs being long term holders, as well as a few tips shared by both Michael and Monte.

Anytime you have the opportunity to get into the minds of these successful veterans, it’s worth as much of your time as they’re willing to share.

You can check out the interview at this link.

The ROTD / NamesCon auction has some monster domains, including,,,,, and dozens more, and you can check out the entire listing and current prices here.


Domain Spotlight: