Domain Spotlight:

Competition Driving New Domain Prices Lower and Lower, 3 Domains for $12

The fight to gain new customers is driving domain prices lower and lower. Came across these deals while searchin’ through Google today. is currently running a promo where users can register domains for $3.95/year. There is a 3 domain limit to the offer. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, hand-reg’s are for the most part worthless domains or those of pure speculation so it’s always good to get them as cheap as possible. It’s also fun to pick up a domain that you normally wouldn’t. GoDaddy has a similar offer but the domains are $4.95 each, limit 3…same for Network Solutions.

You can view Register’s offer here, GoDaddy’s here, and NS’s here.  Prices apply to new domains in all cases but check out each of the offer pages for details, you might have to create a new account to take advantage of these. Not sure how long these deals will last so get them while you can.

Domain Spotlight:

One Reply to “Competition Driving New Domain Prices Lower and Lower, 3 Domains for $12”

  1. I think we’ll see more and more discounts like that before January price increase. Companies know that a lot of people will renew their names before they have to , just to make it before price hike. Let the price war begin 😉

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