Domain Spotlight:

“Send Me Your Lowest Price” and Other Emails That Rarely Lead to a Sale

I’m sure domain owners get them every day.  I seem to get a lot more of them with my numeric domains.  You know the emails.  They are usually poorly written, mass produced, and sent from a gmail or some free email account.  It’s the kind of email that seems to have a 1% chance of leading to a completed sale.  Here are 5 “types” of emails that I hate getting and always seem to be a waste of my time

1. The “Bottom Price” email.

Hi friend,
Is for sale ?
If yes,please tell me the bottom price directly. If the price is reasonable we can do the deal quickly.
Best regards

Now why in the world would I sell my domain at a bottom price?  I really don’t even want to sell it at a fair price.  I want a headline price but the emailer could at least lie to me and tell me he’s willing to pay top dollar.

2. The Domainer offer

Let me introduce myself first,I’m a domainer.
The reason why I wrote to you is that I want to buy it.If it is for sale,please tell me it’s sale price.

While certainly not a deal breaker, if one thinks that introducing themselves as a domainer is going to lower the price it’s not.  As stated above, the price I’m looking for is firm, regardless of who’s buying it.  Introducing yourself as a domainer works for a regular email but hinders my excitement of selling you a domain.  (and of course I sell domains to other domain investors but hardly ever through a blind email)

3. The $100 offer

“Congratulations you have received an offer”

We’ve all gotten the email from Sedo.  The lowball $100 offer usually comes with the response of “please justify your price” as their counter.  I have had the $100 lead to a completed sale but it’s a very rare occurrence.

4. The promise of a quick sale

“I will pay you via paypal tonight if we can come to a deal”

Again, it probably has happened, but I have yet to sell a domain in one evening that started with a blind email.  Especially via paypal.  The words quick and paypal are usually deal breakers for me.

5. The “what the hell is he trying to say”

” thoughts for consideration of purchasing your domain will be greatly considered.  Please offering me a price”

I realize the email was probably created with a translator and two people that don’t speak the same language really doesn’t matter.  The problem, these absolutely never amount to anything for me.  Even if I respond I usually don’t get a response.  I could send back an email with a price of $5 and still nothing.  Trust me, I’ve done it.

The positive in all this is the fact that the at least the domains are drawing attention.  The negative, it’s generally not from the people that are going to pay a good price.  But you never know.  In one of those junk emails could be a true genuinely interested party and because of that I have to read through all of them.  So far?  Still all junk.

Domain Spotlight:

9 Replies to ““Send Me Your Lowest Price” and Other Emails That Rarely Lead to a Sale”

  1. I have seen similar comments on domain forums where the buyer understandably is looking for quality domains at a good price. However, who wants to sell quality domains which are not so easy to find cheap?

  2. Someone tracked many of these to Rick Latona as I recall. He was using his Filipinos to do the work of getting domains priced, then he, or someone else with the money in his org was then buying them.

    I actually for kicks agreed to some of their offers just to see what would happen. Chirp, chirp……nothing but crickets.

  3. The “give us a fair price is my favorite laugh. As if you owe them a courtesy to be fair. I like to tell them I’m not a clown so I don’t price things fair. The “give us a ball park” emails are a good laugh too after they lowball you. Tell them “you need to get on the bus” before you can get to the ballpark.

    Dont forget these non-response-worthy inquiries as well

    The sympathy pitch “I’m just a college student . . .” or “I’m using this for a personal site and don’t have much money”

    The “you aren’t doing anything with it” or the “you’re just sitting on it and squatting it”

    and lastly and my favorite is the “can you call me or email me about whether your domain is for sale” and they don’t tell you the domain 🙂

  4. My ‘best’ offer, in this context:

    “I want to start a business on this domain”

    LOL! I don’t give a shit what you want. I have it and you don’t.

    Obviously I wasn’t so direct, but no sale resulted.

  5. Hi Shane,

    Great blog, been reading for a while, but this is my first comment. How are all these enquirers/spammers actually finding your domains to enquire about – Do you have any insights into this?

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