I leave today for NY for my little run on Sunday. I may not have my lists up for a couple days and if so that’s why. All depends if I have wifi on my flights. I’m going to give the race my all but admit that going on I have a sore hamstring. Hoping that it loosens up on the run. It stinks I train for 6 months only to have it get sore 4 days before is how life works and the reason why you have to enjoy the journey just as much as end result. Here are today’s names and have a nice day.
BaltimoreStorageUnits.com And 15 other longtail keyword dot coms. Right now they are at 50 cents a piece and could be paid for with one click. A couple of these are good buildouts.
ProjectDesigner.com Hard to believe that there is only one bid and there are 2794 project designer jobs on Linkedin
APPI.com 18 years old. Can stand for a lot of things but most likely will be purchased as an upgrade
InternetAlarm.com Because everything will Internet based eventually. 16 years old
LiveTopic.com Not worth a million but no bidders and short. Could be used for all types of articles and discussions.
RightTalk.com Decent Republican blog name. Or maybe a right of the dot type name
Featured Offer! $1.99 .COM Domains! Now through 10/31!
Savings.net Because you may not die soon
PetCollar.com Your dog needs a collar…..or a bandana. Because we all know animals are adorable when we dress them like kids.
Stenographer.com There’s at least one per courtroom. Soon to be replaced by voice recognition software. Which will be called a stenographer
IQO.com I don’t mind the Q if you don’t
Passed.com Pretty sure there’s an obituary in this ones future. I guess there’s one in all our futures if you think about it. Deep man, deep
Domain of the Day
Evaluation.info 12 years old. 90,000 exact Google searches. Everyone wants other people’s opinions.
Have an auction ending that isn’t getting any attention? Contact me to see how I can help
Good luck Shane! Have a safe run!
Good luck and have fun!