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SHANE’S BIG LIST: Sunday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on the 13th

Does the whole world have the flu or sinus infection right now.  I feel good but my friends  around me are like the walking dead.  And that’s if they’re not in bed.  My friends are all doctors (and sick) and they said that the flu going around is a different strain than the vaccinations that were given out.  It’s for that reason I am wearing a mask around like I live in Shanghai.  I’ve had the police called on me three times in the convenience store and had to deliver two babies but at least I’m healthy.  Here are today’s names and the daily quote.

“There are two ways of exerting one’s strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up.” -Booker T. Washington Super valuable? no. Worth $12. I think so. Your food is going to look terrible, maybe taste terrible but hey, no pesticides. NO bidders Seems to be a never ending line of people waiting for short car sales names Hack? Maybe that’s pushing it so let’s call it a Not going to say love but I’m pretty good friends with blogging. Certainly memorable but so is the time when you drank out of the dip cup sitting on the table at the party but that’s not a good memorable.  Something something something holdings

Go Daddy Featured Offer: $3.99 .Com with Free Privacy. Expires 1/15/13 Short and memorable. Just like my first prom date. Anys is not a word despite southern people’s attempt to use it in a sentance. Still a decent  Good running name.  But I’m a little biased  Another word for mountain bike but never heard anyone call them that.  But there are plenty of companies that do  Used to be a huge business and probably still is  Downer name.  I think they’re worth less because they bring people down  One of those words that is short and will be used to brand something completely different  So negative it’s great.  I know, doesn’t make any sense.  Makes me think of Marilyn McCoo and Solid Gold. If you don’t who that is just keep moving  About as big of a term as you can find.  Speaking of working online. My aunt makes $5700 a month working online.  just go to   F for Federation or even better Fish  You mean not everyone uses milk crates, and old door, and a stolen folding chair left outside a strip club as their office furniture?   Hair, football, screen shots.     So many uses  Great brand. I know as well as anyone how much money can be spent on a kitchen done ours twice.  I like never concentrated but that’s more for juice than domains

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2 Replies to “SHANE’S BIG LIST: Sunday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on the 13th”

  1. Hilarious. The Flu shot is supposed to be a pretty good match. If people covered their coughs there be a lot less going around. Nice list of names today.

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