Domain Spotlight:

SHANE’S BIG LIST: Tuesday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on the 22nd

Anyone else putting on a raincoat after they’ve been to  Maybe it’s just me.  Before we get to the names I wanted to announce that I have been nominated for best actor in a movie with a budget under $1.87 at the Sundance Film festival.  My daughter shot and edited this video (she’s 13) by herself and I’m a little embarrassed I stole the show even though she did a pretty good job with the sound and special effects.  The pyro budget took up 75% of the costs.  Now on to today’s names and the daily quote

“Creativity is a highfalutin word for the work I have to do between now and Tuesday” -Ray Kroc Not illegal but frowned upon. I used to count cards problem was I just counted them and had no idea what the suits were. Knowing that 87 cards had been dealt unfortunately didn’t give me the advantage I was looking for It’s a last name and any last name is worth $12. I’m not sure what you’re going to sell on the site but sounds like it’s gonna be fun. No bidders. 10 years old and most people can spell it. I don’t mind dot info if its the right keyword and the right price. No bidders and at $12 it meets half of it. Hasn’t met reserve (at press time) but the J is ok in this spot to me. $4.2 K is my estimate Nobody jogs any more. Running on the other hand, hot. But don’t listen to me, I’m a running snob Good buy under $250 IMO

Smoking Hot Savings! $2.95 .COM from! It’s what you don’t want in a domain. How ironic  I like the simplicity of this one. Domain sellers could use it as well  Because people aren’t looking for shittyshirts  No Bidders.  Not huge value but short and memorable No bidders.  I use them and they are a great alternative to stone pillars.  I’ll never build it out and don’t do the direct sales thing very often so here you go  WP themes are big business  A lovely email address to give out at the bars You haven’t lived until you’ve eaten Ting Che.  Again, I have no idea what it is just saw all the bidders  It’s funny because people think this is real

Go Daddy Featured Offer! $3.99 .COm with Free Privacy! Offer ends 1/15/13!

That's a Smart Move! Economy Hosting for $1.99/mo.

Domain Spotlight: