Domain Spotlight:

Sunday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around Town 4-22-12

I normally don’t do lists on Sunday but I couldn’t find anything to watch on TV and my wife and daughter wanted to watch Glee and Smash.  I’m a man so now way I’m watching those girly shows.  So after watching both of them with the girls and a few more from the DVR I decided to go ahead and wash my sins away and scan the lists.  Here are a few I found. Great name for a background check site. Cheap and catchy Another one of those catchy names that describes what you are going to get when you visit the site. Another nice value.  For top quality letters and you know what that means. Close to a four digit price  I’d buy a game here but have to admit the chest part is what interest me  Tons of trademarks on this but then again what doesn’t have a trademark? Plenty of companies to sell this one to.  A touchy subject but many of you are already in touchy subjects  We all need a little help in this area   Sounds like a nice domain to me and others agree  If its in the title it MUST be true  ATTENTION!!! Cloud domain, cloud domain  Goofy term that I know for some reason yet I’ve never heard anyone use it in the last 30 years

Domain Spotlight: