Domain Spotlight:

Saturday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around Town 4-21-12

Sorry about running a little late this morning. I reversed schedule and instead of getting up at 4 am I stayed up until 4am. Old friends, new stories, and a bunch of catching up. Its what life is all about. But you came here for domains not for my sappy “get together with your friends more often before life passes you by” stories. You’re going to remember this visually or the domain. Now if they could just remember limousine has a “U” in it. Not too exciting but these domains have great liquidity and fetch a solid price.   It’s better without the “G”.  Lasagna could take a few lessons from this domain   Has US in it so automatically become a $700 plus name in my opinion.  And no that doesn’t go for any domain just LLL and LLLL.coms.  Again just my silly logic  These are the types of 5L.coms I buy all the time but they are starting to get out of my easy flip range. This one should do well.  These have great CPCs and good search volume as well.  As a business owner that recently changed merchant accounts I can verify that businesses are always out there looking for recommendations and info and there is god lead money to be had.  It IS a product domain.  This could be a steal.  Sorry, it was too easy  Look at all the bids on this one.  Means “greet” in Spanish but would make a great name in any language.  Easy logo   Dreams of Ricky Steamboat come to me with the name.  Can’t believe this one isn’t being used.  I’ll just leave this here for you.  I think it would be a very successful email.  Maybe not for work but for social.  I’d get it but I already use


Domain Spotlight:

4 Replies to “Saturday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around Town 4-21-12”

  1. “ I’ll just leave this here for you. I think it would be a very successful email. Maybe not for work but for social. I’d get it but I already use”

    I almost bought

    I agreed to the price but the Seller, a female, said I failed to measure up.

    I’m not quite sure what she meant.

    She sold me instead.

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