Domain Spotlight:

THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Tuesday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on May 20th, 2014

It’s funny to think that just 8 months ago you could pick up essentially any 5 number dot com you wanted on a drop with little to no bidding and now they are going for $500 to $1000 each.  People that picked up hundreds of them are raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars.  How high will they go?  I don’t know but I do feel that the best numbers will continue to go higher.  There are some great 5Ns coming up daily at Namejet .  I’m guessing someone is cashing out a pretty good portfolio.  And I understand why.  It may go higher but why not take some off the table. I’m going to help them take some off that table because I think I know which of those numbers will sell for twice as much down the road and i’m willing to put my money up to find out if I’m right.   Here are today’s names.  Now taking listings for the BOOK of 10.  Get your auctions or names for sale SEEN.   $25 a name, discounts for multiple names.  Names will reach over 18,000 domain investors.  A PR4 and gets a few hundred visitors a month.  Don’t know Utah real well but from the looks of Google it’s beautiful   14 years old. Because a Slow Pad just doesn’t market as well   14 years old  Hard Metal Lung Disease?  Probably could find a better end user  No bidders. 11 years old. Good marketing name.  Lots of companies have two for Tuesday events  Great letters, 10 years old  The Chinese don’t usually buy dot org but that seems to be changing a bit.  Some good deals are there in the NNN.orgs but the prices have not skyrocketed like the rest of the numerics.  May be a chance to get in early actually has a market now.  Especially on Namejet and

NEW!!!! Working Godaddy Domain Code of the day.. 99 cent Transfer or New Registration GOFD722A  17 years old.  Sounds like a tech name. 17 years old.   C for corporation   Makes you want to go and get coffee doesn’t it?   I have lots of Apple stock so I am iWealthy.  No bidders   214 bidders shows how good of a name this is   It’s a numeric. What can I say, it will be over $5K most likely  This is probably the best deal/name on the board.  Massive potential  I see it more as a brand than as a site to sell split pea soup


Have a name at auction and need more exposure?  Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details.   *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct.

Domain Spotlight: