Domain Spotlight:

Thursday’s Big List of Domains At Auction and Dropping on 2-16-12

I had a ton of interest on the Blogger post from yesterday.  I had kids events all night last night so if I didn’t get back to your emails don’t worry I’ll get to them today.  I can’t provide tutorials with everything I do but I’ll try and help the best I can.  Remember, I stopped writing as much as I did in the past to try and focus on MY development and domains rather than talking about others. But I still like to help if can.  Also, great to hear that Jeremy Lin got traded to the Broncos last night. Here are today’s names  What a great job “You need a better name”  “You should buy the dot com”  There. Now I’m a professional domain consultant  Back on the block. Great name just begging for a buildout  Oh damn!  Two dot infos in a row.  Is the dot info market ripe?   Probably not,just two strong names on the same day. Any 4L dot com with HD in it seems to do well.  Except for my which I overpaid and nobody wants to pay $1000 for.  Not a very good acronym but a great name nonetheless.  Great fitness domain  It’s one of those businesses that works in small numbers but I imagine doesn’t scale very well.  By the time you open your fourth store you wouldn’t be able to smile to greet the customers.  Probably not a ton of value but very inspirational name.  Some have to dig a little deeper than others. I have a ton of booster names but not THE booster.  You build it and I will come  A reader has this solid domain up for auction on the Great Domains Auction that starts today.  With Friending a hip word then maybe Finding a Pal is next.  Next hot dating site….PalFinder   If you could get just a tiny little slice of all that junk that people buy on Valentines Day you will be a wealthy man (or girl for you 3 girl readers)

Domain Spotlight:

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