Domain Spotlight:

Thursday’s Daily Domain Drop And Auction Picks:

Another wide variety of names up today.  No 5 digit names but you don’t have to have high value names to make money.  I noticed every name on yesterday’s list got a bid so somebody out there agrees with me.  Enjoy today’s list I love 5 minute history.  Civil War:  South had slaves. North didn’t think it was appropriate. South seceded from the union.  North attacked, burned everything, and won war.  Slaves freed. The end. Only computer guys call themselves nuts I’m a vowel guy but still like the name Marijuana or flowers?  Either way it’s easy to remember and say Another great memorable name.  No bidders so you are going to get a deal. Snapnames probably won’t get it but it’s worth a bid Something we’re all looking for.  Guide them young Jedi I’m not sure this is the best fit for dot org but certainly a word we all know All I can think of is Cal when I see this one. Or maybe Billy with the FU bat I think the Asian market will pay more than $700 for this one CVCV and although not phonetic, I think this is a good flip at under $1000

Domain Spotlight:

5 Replies to “Thursday’s Daily Domain Drop And Auction Picks:”

  1. 8cm is a bit rare size for Asians, maybe it’ll go well with Western and South Americans …… Happy Day

  2. I traded a Canseco Donruss rookie for that card. At the time, Canseco was worth around $100. Luckily I had a stack! Just checked, Billy Ripken Error Card= 480 exact match searches a month, and would you believe it’s available!!! Hmmmmmmm…

  3. * at Snapnmes, 216 bidders, currently over $5,000.

    This puppy will go for a lot.


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