Domain Spotlight:

Thursday’s Daily Dropping Domains

Today’s a big day.  We opened a new location this year and today we’re having a  “field day” where thousands of people come to talk shop.  I talked about the benefits of conferences and this is a nursery version of a show and tell conference.  How people don’t get anything out of meeting others in your field I’ll never understand.  The things you can learn from others is amazing.  Things you’ve been doing wrong for years can be solved with one conversation.  “Have you ever tried this? It works for me”  and you’re thinking “Damn, how did I NOT think of that”  Now onto the names.  There are a couple of 5 Letter names I’ve been waiting for a while.  I have no problem listing them because they both already have 55 bids. I didn’t think anyone really typed in “products” with life insurance but Google tells me otherwise.  Evidently a few thousand do each month If you ever listened to Howard Stern you remember John.  1998 Domain, DMoz listed,   PR3. Only worth mentioning because it’s a 1996 domain and does sound like a software company (it was a design company) Great name to sell…….well……..paint Great name for those people that don’t believe in themselves. You can turn them with this domain Even I am in this one.  Strong, strong name Not as great as above but still worth buying You’ll have to fight off Rob at Epik for this one I’ll own this one in a few days And this one

Domain Spotlight:

4 Replies to “Thursday’s Daily Dropping Domains”

  1. Hmm…it seems the auction was won by Namejet Reserve…what is this, Shane? Does Namejet competes with us??

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