Domain Spotlight:

Tuesday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around The Internet 5-22-12

Not a lot of goodies up at auction today.  It took twice as long to find half as many good names.  We all have those days.  Remember you don’t HAVE to buy names. If you find something you like then buy it but don’t buy just to buy.  Save the cash for a better name.  With that being said, these names below offer some value for a flip or purchase at such a cheap price its worth the risk. Here they are

2Y3.comThree character domain and as we always discuss, they usually do well. This one is no exception

TBWT.comAlmost $800 already. There must be something special about this name that I’m too lazy to find out about.

If you think you can  do better with a hand register here’s a 4.95 code. Go Here and put in the code gofx2005hd What the girls at Alabama would say to me when I ask them if they’d like to come back to my apartment   I thought I may be able to sneak in and get this one.  And I would have if the other 47 bidders weren’t already there  I was thinking food but I guess could be a bar where you smoke pot.  I think the value on this one is a few years away but with just a few bidders it’s a good investment. 12 years old First or Last name for many people  I sell this type for $500 to $1000 consistently  As a man that buys and rents uniforms I confirm that a business could be built on this domain  $16 CPC and 1900 searches makes this one a good value under $100  Pretty good name for a samples site. I asked 3 people today if they have been to the site and they all said it sounded like a site they would like.  Of course it doesn’t exist.  No bidders but go to Google and see how many products are advertised.  For a product that barely gets searches there sure are a lot of ads  Great name and still under $4000 at press time  The fours used to be price killers but that hasn’t been the case over the last few months  Lets see if the cloud can overcome the pro




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