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Tuesday’s Hand Pick List of Today’s Drop and Auction Favorites

I love and hate August.  It’s hard to do business in the United States in August because so many people are on vacation.  It’s also hot and nobody seems to want to do anything other than bitch how hot it is.  It’s just not a good month for business.  But I’m going to buck that trend. And why do I love August?  Because everyone expects low sales. The bar is set low so it’s a great time to crush it.  Let’s take a look at some names that could get you there. 1996 Birthday  DMOZ listed I’ve always wanted to have a simple site that flipped a coin to help you make decisions.  This is it.  Of course I’ll never build it so here you go I’ll join your organization.  I LOVE pecan pie The study of insects. I deal with them every day.  Can’t believe it has no bidders. I can see the slogan “Everyone wants to be” If you buy names like this you need to quit, leave your paypal account at the door, and go home. Godaddy sent out a list promoting this and a few other names. Worked.  Prices have climbed 10 fold since that email.  Also has the plural I think you’d have to spell it out every time but still a nice name

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