Domain Spotlight:

Listed below are updates on the top ten domain sales from a year ago, as ranked by DN Journal.

1. sold for $55,000

The nonprofit National Association of Convenience Stores picked up this domain, and they moved everything from over to “NACS advances the role of convenience stores as positive economic, social and philanthropic contributors to the communities they serve.” “NACS has 2,100 retailer and 1,750 supplier members from more than 50 countries.” The site has an Alexa rank near 500,000.


2. sold for $47,011

3. sold for $31,000

Neither of the two domains above resolve.

4. sold for $28,750

The site says they’re a commercial real estate firm based in Denver. I would assume the company was named after an individual with last name Shay or Shays, but oddly no individuals within the company are mentioned in the site, at least that I can find.


5. sold for $22,800

No site resolves.

6. sold for $22,066

The domain is parked, and if you click on the ‘Inquire’ link, it redirects to an Epik page that shows a BIN of $250,000.

7. sold for $19,000

Based in Virginia, “Endera provides the industry’s first automated, continuous insider risk assessment platform, scanning thousands of federal, state and county data sources to proactively alert organizations to potential high-risk individuals and populations within their workforce.” The site has Alexa rank near 4.5 million.


8. sold for $15,000

With the XXX in the domain, you can guess the content… videos and chatrooms. It’s the traffic leader for the week, with its Alexa rank near 350,000.


9. sold for $10,865

Per Google Translate of this German language site, it’s an an independent product search engine for the German-speaking Internet. With our product search system, more than 1,550 online shops can be browsed simultaneously. Annoying searches in various online shops has long been a thing of the past.” The site has an Alexa rank near 3 million.


10. sold for $10,000

The domain redirects to, with either domain confusing in my simple little mind. It appears the domain was picked up by CA Technologies, which is a publicly traded firm with a market cap around $14 billion. They describe their new site as, “a collection of original content related to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the IT discipline. “


Domain Spotlight: