Domain Spotlight:

Listed below are updates to the top 10 domain sales from a year ago, as ranked by DN Journal.

1. sold for $290,000

You can see the simple placeholder below, and the title tag appears to translate from Chinese into something related to public private partnerships (although that may be entirely defensive).


2. sold for $85,000

No site resolves. Owned by a Robert Proechel of Florida, per Whois, and he appears to own other real estate domains, such as and For $85k, I would have assumed an end user’s site would have been up by now.

3. sold for $59,000

No site resolves. Appears to translate from Chinese as “the day after tomorrow”.

4. sold for $37,750

Traffic leader for the week, with an Alexa rank near 260,000. “About Us 10,000 lights and lamps, ca. 200 highly-motivated and competent employees, 8,000 m² of office and warehouse space and over 10 years experience in selling llighting products – these figures illustrate the success story of Europe’s leading online specialist for lights and lamps.


5. sold for $32,000

No site resolves; owned by an individual in China.

6. sold for $23,490

Per a German translation, “ is the number 1 in Austria for Fitness, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition. We offer an online store portal with all the information and products for fast muscle building, for Weightloss to increase your stamina, improve your health or to achieve your personal training goals.” Alexa rank near 22 million.


7. sold for $20,000

No site resolves; owned by an individual in Turkey.

8. sold for $15,000

Domain is parked. Per Whois, the domain is owned by an individual named Steven Nerayoff, who appears to be involved with a crypto-currency company names Lisk.

9. sold for $12,500

We are a vibrant and dynamic Advertising Agency created to serve Dubai and the wider United Arab Emirates.”


10. sold for $12,000

Domain is parked, owned by an individual in Abu Dhabi. There appear to be a couple fashion-related sites including this name.

Domain Spotlight: