Domain Spotlight:

Wednesday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around The Internet 4-24-12

Apple crushed the numbers just like I expected last night.  There are very few guaranteed things in life right now in the investing world but one thing I feel very comfortable with  and that’s owning part of Apple Computer.  I’ve said it many times.  I bought some shares at $14, some at $105, and some at $360.  I am not a buyer right now but I am the strongest holder you’ll ever meet.  I’ll let you know when I change my mind.  Then again, it’s been 30 years and I haven’t changed my mind since Dec 1991 so I don’t see it changing in the near future.  Here are today’s names. Not sure exactly what you would use it for. A listing of all the forums? But when you see the price you may not be as excited I’ve this out to be. 1999 Birthday Not a super name but its 17 years old and two good words.  Yeah, yeah.  Another  1997 Birthday  A trademarked term but that is not going to stop someone from paying $3000 plus  CVCV have been incredible the last three years.  This one should continue the trend.  Rims or prison term.  You choose, but hardly any bidders on this one.  If you buy domains for possible end users I would like to introduce you to the domain with more end users than any domain I’ve ever featured.   Its like pizza.  All cloud domains are good just some are better than others. $30 for this name is a good deal IMO.  I normally don’t do hyphens but they rank well and nail polish is about as shippable of a product as I can think of.  Just a plain old  Great domain blog name.


Domain Spotlight: