Domain Spotlight:

Wednesday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks:

Today is the first day of a new month.  Maybe it’s the month you’ll never forget. The month you had your best domain sales ever.  The month you picked up the domain that made you a hundred thousand dollars.  You never know.  Then again maybe it’s just June.  Enjoy today’s names and buy the way.  You have less than zero percent chance of dropping and if it did an even lesser chance of Snapnames catching it. Good letters but I especially like it because of it’s history.  Registered in 1996 Too good of a name to only have one bidder.  1996 Registration.  Somebody is going to get a good deal here Same here.  Looks like domain investors decided to take the week off. Good for me “Come on down to Mortgage City!  Where the competition is high and the rates are low”  If you get the domain you can have that slogan for $50 I know it’s a dot net but this streaming music from the Internet thing looks like it’s gaining some traction. No bidders.   Dot net must really be falling out of favor for this to have no bids. 10,000 searches It’s my grandmother’s name but she’s not in the domain market right now It’s really not much of a sport if the animal can’t shoot back.  Give them a gun and I’ll call it a sport Sound like an old eastern European girl from the 1984 Olympics but would also make a nice company name. It’s almost worth $100 just to make a fake site.  Could have a lot of fun with this one.

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Wednesday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks:”

  1. Even if CentralNIC would really drop, the domain could only go to auction as a pre-release domain, since it could not be re-registered after a real drop with deletion. Two letter .com domains are not available for registration.

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