Domain Spotlight:

Guy Needs To Borrow $13 To Renew Domain Name He Accidentally Forgot About

If any of you have an extra $13, a guy over at Reddit needs a few extra dollars to renew a domain name. He’s a little short and could pay you back next month or so. He’d really appreciate it. The details are below. On a side note, I was wondering if I could borrow $23.50 from someone. I forgot to pickup my dry cleaning for DomainFest and I’m a little short. I could pay you back in 5 or 6 months after Godaddy pays me for one of my premium sales.

Domain Spotlight:

9 Replies to “Guy Needs To Borrow $13 To Renew Domain Name He Accidentally Forgot About”

  1. Hey Shane, i know what you can wear at DFG: Your “Domain Shane” long sleeve shirt! Save some money on dry cleaning and buy us a round! 😉

  2. so what’s the name? i one time heard about ‘dis guy who needed $15,000 and he put up a name… i think it was 47and a half dotcom or something like that. anyway the guy who lent him the money ended up selling it for a billion dollars i think. just goes to show.

  3. Peehaps the t shirts you guys should be ordering read “let them eat cake”.

    The warmth and compassion being expressed here is Sickening.
    One man one vote !

  4. “I could pay you back in 5 or 6 months after Godaddy pays me for one of my premium sales.” — hahaha Classic.

    Why is it that GoDaddy can take a name from my account instantly but can’t pay me via PayPal? Why do I have to wait 45 freaking days for a PAPER Check? Who the hell still uses Checks? 😛

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