Domain Spotlight:

A Few Nice Domains Dropping Today

At TRAFFIC I found out that people actually do use this daily list to find names and actually have picked up a few of the names and flipped them for profit.  If you’ve actually picked up one of the names send me an email I’d love to hear about the flip.  You can do it in the comments or privately.  I’d also like to thank, who supplies me with the tools to find the names. After visiting Vegas I know there are plenty of people looking for this one, 22,000 to be exact.  Worth way more than the present bid. I may actually bid on this one.  Not a huge search amount at 900 but a CPC of $2.54 is nice.  Will not be very expensive so should an easy payback It’s a bit of a stretch with the .org but dowloading textbooks is going to be HUGE and will certainly grow in value. Easy to remember but with 70 plus bidders it’s not going to go cheap. 2000 searches and a great military name makes this nice

Domain Spotlight: