Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Big List of Names at Auction or Dropping Around the Net 7-2-12

Looking forward to a two day mini vacation this week. I got in a nice 82 mile bike yesterday as peak Ironman training season started this week. Probably the only time of year I can have a donut, a burrito, and a large shake and still be short 4000 calories for the day. I have to admit it tires me out and I have to take a nap sometimes like a 75 year old so I can stay up and go through the domain lists. Love the name but you’re probably going to like it because its a PR5 No bidders on this 13 year old domain I would rather have the singular on this one but for $60 its a good buy and its a 1999 domain  Again good letters.  Prices on Namejet are twice what they are on Godaddy.  I see some arbitrage here.  This domain is 16 years old so it may not be apples to apples vs some of the other LLLL.coms I would expect this to cross $300 with these letters I was just thinking to myself, I need to get out more and what better way to meet people that ballroom dance  Very surprised it has no bidders  Would make a great brand for someone that is trying to sell something tough.  15 years old   Ticket site?  Hoping this one had no bidders and I could snipe it but 8 people also seem to like it   Who doesn’t?  I love the city but parking is ridiculous  I have purchased several lights for biking and running so there’s certainly a market
Domain Auctions: Find, Buy & Sell Domain Names

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Monday’s Big List of Names at Auction or Dropping Around the Net 7-2-12”

  1. With all that training and standing/moving around at work how many calories do you eat a day – 10,000!?!

    1. Lead,

      4,000 calories is probably what I eat most days. Yesterday I figured I burned 4000 calories riding so I had a donut and a milkshake as a treat. Took today off. Maybe a swim tonight

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