There is no doubt in my mind that A LOT of people are liquidating their domains. I am seeing domains that were in newsletters last year or discussed in emails now up for sale at Namejet. Maybe they are just raising cash (I’m selling a bunch of names for this reason) for bigger purchases. Maybe they are just making sure they take some profits in case things get slow later. Because right now things are very hot. Lots of offers, good sales. I’ve heard from many people that this is their best domaining year since 2008. I will add that just because a lot of good names are being offered that many aren’t selling because the reserves weren’t met. So they certainly aren’t giving them away. No fear in the selling. Here are today’s names
“Anyone can do something when they want to do it. Really successful people do things when they don’twant to do it.” -Dr. Phil Everywhere else in the world that speaks English spells it this way. Huge potential in England and Australia. You get the bonus of 14 years old. Not sure exactly what you’d use it for but a decent Hollywood name with only one bidder I would think if you built out a site you would be quoted in a ton of print as the authority in television prices. No bidders. 13 years old A PR3 but only 1 bidder at $10 Everyone hates waiting for grass in their new yard. Maybe they should use instagrass. No bidders I just like the sound of it. Sexy and dirty. Good fashion name Think how much fun you could have with the email I like this as a fashion name. I’m the bidder Looks like it gets 14K traffic (if you believe GD) Would be worth the $50 if it’s true. Good name to flip on Flippa 18 years old. You know the difference between jelly and jam?
Have an auction ending that isn’t getting any attention? Contact me to see how I can help