It’s Sunday so time to take the day off and relax a little. I’m headed to a trail race, which I’m not sure is relaxing in itself but it certainly relaxes me once I’m done. Today also starts my annual diet and winter training regime which pretty much is don’t eat like a horse and keep moving. Here are today’s names. 16 years old. Al the Dr would like this but good for a lot of different acronyms 15 years old. Security company or apartments owners could utilize this one as a marketing name. A few bidders. This one should go for over $1000 IMO but under $500 at press time. 15 years old Could cross $10K. I still think numbers are a buy here. The have settled but certainly not topped Not a great but all of them are worth more than the present bid of $12 IMO wind energy will get better and cheaper and most will have some form of it. And of course people will be searching for the cheapest option. No bidders W for Warehouse. I know weak, but that’s what came to my head Bidders probably going after $28 CPC Not sure how much money there is to be made in donations. That is other than the rich elite taking the money and giving themselves salaries
Working Godaddy Domain Code of the day. $10 off PURCHASES OF $50 OR MORE ACOSKS65 17 year old Ends with A The value here is probably an email or a marketing name for camera company Great stock trading name. Fortunately never had one Motivational name. Thought it would have more bids than it does. Great Colorado name. Get it? Mountains and Marijuana Doesn’t get any more generic than this. And we all know that half of all shows fit this category. Big money in retirement planning. Good marketing name for one of the big investment/insurance companies All those bidders are for a reason. And some day I’ll look into that reason. For now I’ll just follow I get about 20 catalogs a month of nothing but farm tools. No bidders. Could make your $69 with affiliate pretty easily IMO Bidding already up to $2400 and it hasn’t even gone to auction Upgrade name for quite a few companies. No bidders I run with a group called The Buffalo. Imagine there are thousands of other teams and groups with the same name The four bidders are probably going after the PR4 I usually dismiss all the dot nets but this one has no bidders and all all the other major tlds are built out, even the .tv As good of a name as MarkMonitor and better SEO No bidders. Good football brand. It’s a tackle for those that don’t know the sport. Also a collar for a horse
CAX DOMAIN OF THE DAY In auction. Has a way to meet reserve but as a bamboo seller I can attest it’s very shippable
Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details. *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct