Domain Spotlight:

The Friday Morning Daily 7 Links

Sorry about missing the links yesterday.  Flew into DC and got in late.  Tried to do it in the morning but the old iPhone AND the computers were dead and somehow left BOTH chargers on the table at home.  Therefore, these links are sponsored by Radio Shack and Belkin

How this kid made $170 Million in 2 Years

Now THIS is a gentleman’s argument

How to hack China using this domain that’s for sale

Pardon me if you’ve seen this,  but the freestyle section of the 1991 Beard of the Year contest was legendary

I think this is going to be HUGE. Francois is going to make some cash on this one

This is just another bad Press release but it did catch my eye because they market the service under a terrible domain name.  no T, missing an e?  What in the world made them chose that one?

Someone sent me this when they heard I was visiting Mr. Obama and wanted me to have a positive attitude.  90 things Obama has accomplished but the media won’t cover.  (I didn’t realize the media was against him, except Fox)

Domain Spotlight: