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Friday’s Daily Domain Drops and Auctions: March Madness Edition

I hope you got in some of the names yesterday.  If you like high search result names, yesterday was money.  Not as many today but enough to hold you off.  I am going to do a post about the names I’ve purchased in the last month.  It’s not that many but a few solid names. Leet’s take a look at today’s picks. Sounds like a show on the CW where a few college freshman coeds find love, lose love, and then girls make out.  Of course that would be the show I would write.  1996 Domain and perhaps you could add this one to go with it. It’s not for profit. 1997 registration.  30 bidders and a nice Geo related site name. Can’t believe this isn’t already some app or plugin. I don’t normally recommend CVCV.nets but this one is one of the better out there.  Worth $69 You can out SEO the dot com pretty easily and more and more states are penalizing dead beat dads.  At $79, money to be made here Can’t believe it has no bids.  Sure it’s a TV but 113,000 searches 1997 register and 2000 links. Being a is gravy A don’t like dashes but to many people, they don’t mind.  People love 3D and they love casinos.   I still think the name is a gamble. I absolutely love grey owls.  Just kidding, I’ve never seen a great owl.  I was just trying to be persuasive With no bids I think you could do worse for a horse racing domain.

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