Domain Spotlight:

Finding How Many People Checked the Whois On Your Godaddy Domains: A Visual Step by Step Guide

If you have a Godaddy account you can create and download a report on how many people checked the whois on domains you owned.  You can do it both current month and last month.  I’ve posted this before, but I still have had a few people struggle to figure out to get the report so I made it easy.  Rather than type out the steps I actually made screenshots of the steps to make it easier.  Hopefully this will help a few people out.

1. Go to Godaddy and Log-In.  Then Go to Domain Manager on the left hand side

2. Once in new screen go to top of page and click on the third button from the left that says “Tools” and choose “Exportable Lists”

3. Choose “All My Domains” from the toggle choice and then hit “Next”

4. Then choose “Whois Queries” for Current and Past Months

5. Name the file that will contain the data

6.  It will take a few minutes but eventually Godaddy will email you telling you that the file is ready for download in a created exported files area within the “Tools” Section

There you go.  Now you can go through the data and see how many people care about your domains.  If you only get one or two per month then it’s time for my next article on “Reasons to let your domain drop”

Domain Spotlight:

8 Replies to “Finding How Many People Checked the Whois On Your Godaddy Domains: A Visual Step by Step Guide”

  1. This is very cool, it only took godaddy 2 mins to populate the file and e-mail me it. Thanks!

  2. Obviously, the higher the number the better, but what numbers do you consider to be promising? 10 views?… 50 views?… what stats would you like to see for ‘Future Trend Domains’? (Think ‘Holographics’)

    Also please note to your readers, that generally speaking, the Whois lookups on soon to be expired names are always highest the month of and before you allow them to drop.

    1. @jv

      The names I have that I consider most valuable are for the most part the names that get over 50 lookups per month. And yes, there are many reasons why names have Whois searches and expiry is one. Listing them at auction would greatly increase them as well. Anything that puts in the public eye increases visibility which in turn increases searches

  3. I am not with GD. But are the whois lookups from domain tools counted also in this report ? In some histories i see a lookup everyday by domain tools.

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