Domain Spotlight:

Thursday’s Daily Name List. My Picks for Best Auctions and Drops of the Day

If you guys didn’t get a chance to read Ron’s review of Protrada yesterday it’s worth a read. You’ve probably noticed the banner at the top of my pages and wondered what in the heck it is.  He explains it as well as anyone. It will be interesting to see if it can gain some traction. If it does it could do very well.  Speaking of doing well, I was looking at my paypal account and noticed I’m still getting commissions for brokering some ads back in 2008.  I get a small cut from several websites that I set up with the ad supplier.  It’s still paying $80-150 a month and I haven’t done anything in 3 years.  And that’s why you want a piece of the action rather than just a one time payment. Now onto the names. Not an astounding name but love the age.  1993 Birthday and one of the older domains to come up for auction lately. I haven’t been buying many 4L dot coms lately but this one is aged (1996) with some pretty good letters I love the name. My wife?  Not her favorite on the list People are loving this name.  I guess I just don’t like GoCarts so I’m letting my personal feelings get in the way. I didn’t even think about this until the domain came up.  I think I’m going to have to buy one of these Get in before Apple makes the Pile. Could be tap like iPhone app tap or could be tapped like broke. I used to work at a dog track but I heard they’re not doing very well.  I highly recommend the 1-2-3 quinella box Stands for F’d up.  I should buy it as many times as I have.

Domain Spotlight: