Domain Spotlight:

A Few Names Dropping Today

handsome-group-TrafficThere are two types of pricing to domains.  Prices you pay when you absolutely want a domain and prices you pay when you are buying it to flip.  These are domains I’ve found I think you can flip or are worth more than you are going to pay. Thanks to Cyril Benson Briggs for the photo of the handsome group of domainers at TRAFFIC.

And Again, For more names go to, who supplies me with the tools to find the names. They’re still offering the 7 day trials for a few more days


. Not generic buyers favorite but there is a market for these types of names.  At $40 this is a good deal.  Worth $150 or so in my opinion Very easy to remember and certainly worth a heck a lot more than $10 Worth at least $1000 with 167,000 searches.  At $350 right now You may not call it drinkware but 200,000 people do and are searching for it.  Very few bidders at this point Yes it’s a dot org but look at that $24 CPC.  Good value at under $100 I bet you can figure out what you can sell on this site.  No bidders and a $3500 estibot

Domain Spotlight: