Domain Spotlight:

A Few Nice Domains Dropping Today

Godaddy domains drop in the morning so if you’re interested in picking them up keep an eye on the end date.  My year has started out incredibly.  In four days I’ve sold 4 names. I sold another domain yesterday Picked up last year for $25 last year, sold for $750.  My schedule didn’t quite match up to the two domain conferences in Jan, but if the selling continues I’m eyeing Domain Mardi Gras. On to the names Get this one before a quit smoking company does. Nice domain, 49K searches and a $4000 valuate value.  Pre bidding not crazy. As a triathlete I like the name. 8800 searches for the term.  If it were a dot com I’d be all over it.  Then again if it were a dot com it would have a bid, right now it doesn’t 2900 searches and no bidders Valuate doesn’t like this one but 8000 searches says somebody is looking for this one.  No prebidders A decent 4L with good acronym letters.  Can get for $50 or so



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Domain Spotlight: